Source code for dival.util.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provides utility functions for visualization."""
from warnings import warn
from math import ceil
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size as Size
# from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Divider
import numpy as np

[docs]def plot_image(x, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot image using matplotlib's :meth:`imshow` method. Parameters ---------- x : array-like or PIL image The image data. For further information see `imshow documentation <>`_. fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional The figure to plot the image in. If ``fig is None``, but `ax` is given, it is retrieved from `ax`. If both ``fig is None`` and ``ax is None``, a new figure is created. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The axes to plot the image in. If `None`, an axes object is created in `fig`. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to ``ax.imshow``. Returns ------- im : :class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` The image that was plotted. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes the image was plotted in. """ if fig is None: if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = ax.get_figure() if ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'gray') xticks = kwargs.pop('xticks', None) yticks = kwargs.pop('yticks', None) if xticks is not None: ax.set_xticks(xticks) if yticks is not None: ax.set_yticks(yticks) im = ax.imshow(np.asarray(x).T, **kwargs) return im, ax
[docs]def plot_images(x_list, nrows=1, ncols=-1, fig=None, vrange='equal', cbar='auto', rect=None, fig_size=None, **kwargs): """Plot multiple images using matplotlib's :meth:`imshow` method in subplots. Parameters ---------- x_list : sequence of (array-like or PIL image) List of the image data. For further information see `imshow documentation <>`_. nrows : int, optional The number of subplot rows (the default is 1). If -1, it is computed by ``ceil(len(x_list)/ncols)``, or set to 1 if `ncols` is not given. ncols : int, optional The number of subplot columns. If -1, it is computed by ``ceil(len(x_list)/nrows)`` (default). If both `nrows` and `ncols` are given, the value of `ncols` is ignored. vrange : {``'equal'``, ``'individual'``} or [list of ](float, float),\ optional Value ranges for the colors of the images. If a string is passed, the range is auto-computed: ``'equal'`` The same colors are used for all images. ``'individual'`` The colors differ between the images. If a tuple of floats is passed, it is used for all images. If a list of tuples of floats is passed, each tuple is used for one image. cbar : {``'one'``, ``'many'``, ``'auto'``, ``'none'``}, optional Colorbar option. If ``cbar=='one'``, one colorbar is shown. Only possible if the value ranges used for the colors (cf. `vrange`) are the same for all images. If ``cbar=='many'``, a colorbar is shown for every image. If ``cbar=='auto'``, either ``'one'`` or ``'many'`` is chosen, depending on whether `vrange` is equal for all images. If ``cbar=='none'``, no colorbars are shown. fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional The figure to plot the images in. If `None`, a new figure is created. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `plot_image`, which in turn passes them to ``imshow``. Returns ------- im : ndarray of :class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` The images that were plotted. ax : ndarray of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes the images were plotted in. """ try: x_list = list(x_list) except TypeError: raise TypeError('x_list must be iterable. Pass a sequence or use ' '`plot_image` to plot single images.') for i in range(len(x_list)): x_list[i] = np.asarray(x_list[i]) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() if nrows is None or nrows == -1: if ncols is None or ncols == -1: nrows = 1 else: nrows = ceil(len(x_list)/ncols) ncols = ceil(len(x_list)/nrows) if rect is None: rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8] if fig_size is not None: fig.set_size_inches(fig_size) if isinstance(vrange, str): if vrange == 'equal': vrange_ = [(min((np.min(x) for x in x_list)), max((np.max(x) for x in x_list)))] * len(x_list) VRANGE_EQUAL = True elif vrange == 'individual': vrange_ = [(np.min(x), np.max(x)) for x in x_list] VRANGE_EQUAL = False else: raise ValueError("`vrange` must be 'equal' or 'individual'") elif isinstance(vrange, tuple) and len(vrange) == 2: vrange_ = [vrange] * len(x_list) VRANGE_EQUAL = True else: vrange_ = vrange VRANGE_EQUAL = False if not VRANGE_EQUAL: if cbar == 'one': warn("cannot use cbar='one' when vrange is not equal for all" "images, falling back to cbar='many'") if cbar != 'none': cbar = 'many' elif cbar == 'auto': cbar = 'one' ax = fig.subplots(nrows, ncols) if isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): ax = np.atleast_1d(ax) im = np.empty(ax.shape, dtype=object) for i, (x, ax_, v) in enumerate(zip(x_list, ax.flat, vrange_)): im_, _ = plot_image(x, ax=ax_, vmin=v[0], vmax=v[1], **kwargs) im.flat[i] = im_ if cbar == 'many': fig.colorbar(im_, ax=ax_) if cbar == 'one': fig.colorbar(im[0], ax=ax) return im, ax