dival.config module

Configuration of the library.

The module variable CONFIG holds the current configuration.

The library configuration is stored in the file ~/.dival/config.json. If the config file does not exist when the library is imported, it is created using default values. Changes made in config.json are loaded when the library is (re-)imported.

dival.config.CONFIG = {'lodopab_dataset': {'data_path': '/localdata/low_dose_dataset'}, 'reference_params': {'data_path': '~/.dival/reference_params'}}

Global configuration dict.

Holds the current configuration of the library. On import dival, the configuration is loaded from ~/.dival/config.json.

dival.config.CONFIG_FILENAME = '/home/jleuschn/.dival/config.json'

Path of the configuration file. The value is given by '~/.dival/config.json', expanded and normalized.


Return (sub-)configuration stored in config file. Note that values may differ from the current CONFIG variable if it was manipulated directly.


key_path (str, optional) – '/'-separated path to sub-configuration. Default is '/', which returns the full configuration dict.


(sub-)configuration, either a dict or a value

Return type


dival.config.set_config(key_path, value, verbose=True)[source]

Updates (sub-)configuration both in CONFIG variable and in config file.

  • key_path (str, optional) – '/'-separated path to sub-configuration. Pass '/' to replace the full configuration dict.

  • value (object) – (sub-)configuration value. Either a dict, which is copied, or a value.