Source code for dival.util.input

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[docs]def input_yes_no(default='y'): """ Demand user input y[es] or n[o]. The user is asked repeatedly, until the input is valid. Parameters ---------- default : {``'y'``, ``'n'``}, optional The output if the user enters empty input. Returns ------- inp : {``'y'``, ``'n'``} The users input (or `default`). """ def _input(): inp = input() inp = inp.lower() if inp in ['y', 'yes']: inp = 'y' elif inp in ['n', 'no']: inp = 'n' elif inp == '': inp = default else: print('please input y[es] or n[o]') return None return inp inp = _input() while inp not in ['y', 'n']: inp = _input() return inp == 'y'