Source code for dival.reference_reconstructors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from warnings import warn
from importlib import import_module
import requests
from dival import get_standard_dataset
from dival.reconstructors import LearnedReconstructor
from dival.config import CONFIG
from dival.util.input import input_yes_no
from import download_file

    DATA_PATH = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(
except Exception:
    raise RuntimeError(
        'Could not retrieve config value `reference_params/data_path`, '
        'maybe the configuration (e.g. in ~/.dival/config.json) is corrupt.')

# Currently, reference configurations map 1-to-1 to reconstructor types.
# In the future multiple configurations using the same reconstructor type could
# be useful, e.g. 'dip' and 'diptv' both using the type
# `DeepImagePriorCTReconstructor`, but with 'dip' restricted to ``gamma=0.``.
    'fbp': {
        'type': {'cls': 'FBPReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.odl_reconstructors'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab']},
    'fbpunet': {
        'type': {'cls': 'FBPUNetReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.fbpunet_reconstructor'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab'],
        'learned_params_spec': {'ext': '.pt'}},
    'iradonmap': {
        'type': {'cls': 'IRadonMapReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.iradonmap_reconstructor'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab'],
        'learned_params_spec': {'ext': '.pt'}},
    'learnedgd': {
        'type': {'cls': 'LearnedGDReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.learnedgd_reconstructor'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab'],
        'learned_params_spec': {'ext': '.pt'}},
    'learnedpd': {
        'type': {'cls': 'LearnedPDReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.learnedpd_reconstructor'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab'],
        'learned_params_spec': {'ext': '.pt'}},
    'tvadam': {
        'type': {'cls': 'TVAdamCTReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.tvadam_ct_reconstructor'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab']},
    'diptv': {
        'type': {'cls': 'DeepImagePriorCTReconstructor',
                 'module': 'dival.reconstructors.dip_ct_reconstructor'},
        'datasets': ['ellipses', 'lodopab']}
Specification of reference configurations.

For each configuration key name a dict with the following fields is

    ``'type'`` : dict
        The reconstructor class, given by the following fields:

            ``'cls'`` : str
                The class name.
            ``'module'`` : str
                The module to import the class from.

    ``'datasets'`` : list of str
        List of standard dataset names the configuration is available for.
    ``'learned_params_spec'`` : dict, optional
        How learned parameters are stored.
        See also :meth:`LearnedReconstructor.save_learned_params` and
        Valid fields are:

            ``'ext'`` : str, optional
                A single file with the given extension (e.g. ``'.pt'``).
                The param path (returned by :func:`get_params_path`) is
                suffixed by this.
            ``'dir'`` : ?, optional
                A directory.
                The param path (returned by :func:`get_params_path`) is equal
                to the directory path.
                *not implemented yet*

DATASETS = ['ellipses', 'lodopab']
List of standard datasets for which (some) reference reconstructor
configurations are available.


[docs]def construct_reconstructor(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name, **kwargs): """ Construct reference reconstructor object (not loading parameters). Note: see :func:get_reference_reconstructor to retrieve a reference reconstructor with optimized parameters. This function implements the constructors calls which are potentially specific to each configuration. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments. For CT configurations this includes the ``'impl'`` used by :class:`odl.tomo.RayTransform`. Raises ------ ValueError If the configuration does not exist. NotImplementedError If construction is not implemented for the configuration. Returns ------- reconstructor : :class:`Reconstructor` The reconstructor instance. """ r_key_name, r_type = validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name) r_args = [] r_kwargs = {} if dataset_name in ['ellipses', 'lodopab']: impl = kwargs.pop('impl', 'astra_cuda') dataset = get_standard_dataset(dataset_name, impl=impl) if r_key_name in ['fbp', 'fbpunet', 'iradonmap', 'learnedgd', 'learnedpd', 'tvadam', 'diptv']: ray_trafo = dataset.get_ray_trafo(impl=impl) r_args = [ray_trafo] r_kwargs['name'] = '{d}_{r}'.format(r=r_key_name, d=dataset_name) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'reconstructor construction is not implemented for reference ' 'configuration \'{}\' for dataset \'{}\'' .format(r_key_name, dataset_name)) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'reference reconstructor construction is not implemented for ' 'dataset \'{}\''.format(dataset_name)) reconstructor = r_type(*r_args, **r_kwargs) return reconstructor
[docs]def validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name): """ Validate that a configuration exists and return both its key name and the reconstructor type. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. Raises ------ ValueError If the configuration does not exist. Returns ------- r_key_name : str Key name of the configuration. r_type : type Reconstructor type. """ if isinstance(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, str): r_key_name = reconstructor_key_name_or_type if (r_key_name not in CONFIGURATIONS or dataset_name not in ( CONFIGURATIONS[r_key_name]['datasets'])): raise ValueError('unknown reference configuration \'{}\' for ' 'dataset \'{}\''.format(r_key_name, dataset_name)) r_type = getattr( import_module(CONFIGURATIONS[r_key_name]['type']['module']), CONFIGURATIONS[r_key_name]['type']['cls']) else: r_type = reconstructor_key_name_or_type r_key_names = [k for k, v in CONFIGURATIONS.items() if (v['type']['cls'] == r_type.__name__ and dataset_name in v['datasets'])] if not r_key_names: raise ValueError('unknown reconstructor type {} for ' 'dataset \'{}\''.format(r_type, dataset_name)) r_key_name = r_key_names[0] if len(r_key_names) > 1: warn('There are multiple reference configurations for ' 'reconstructor type {} and dataset \'{}\': {}. ' 'Selecting \'{}\' now. To select another one, please specify ' 'it by key name instead of reconstructor type.' .format(r_type, dataset_name, r_key_names, r_key_name)) return r_key_name, r_type
[docs]def get_params_path(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name): """ Return path of the parameters for a configuration. It can be passed to :class:`Reconstructor.load_params` as a single argument to load all parameters (hyper params and learned params). Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. Returns ------- params_path : str Parameter path. """ r_key_name, _ = validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name) params_path = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, dataset_name, '{d}_{r}'.format(r=r_key_name, d=dataset_name)) return params_path
[docs]def get_hyper_params_path(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name): """ Return path of the hyper parameters for a configuration. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. Returns ------- hyper_params_path : str Hyper parameter path. """ r_key_name, r_type = validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name) if (issubclass(r_type, LearnedReconstructor) and CONFIGURATIONS[r_key_name]['learned_params_spec'] == 'dir'): hyper_params_path = os.path.join( DATA_PATH, dataset_name, '{d}_{r}'.format(r=r_key_name, d=dataset_name), 'hyper_params.json') else: # learned parameters in single file or no learned parameters hyper_params_path = os.path.join( DATA_PATH, dataset_name, '{d}_{r}_hyper_params.json'.format(r=r_key_name, d=dataset_name)) return hyper_params_path
[docs]def download_params(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name, include_learned=True): """ Download parameters for a configuration. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. include_learned : bool, optional Whether to include learned parameters. Otherwise only hyper parameters are downloaded. Default: `True`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If trying to download learned parameters that are stored in a directory (instead of as a single file). ValueError If trying to download learned parameters for a configuration that does not specify how they are stored (as a single file or in a directory). """ r_key_name, r_type = validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name) os.makedirs(DATA_PATH, exist_ok=True) params_path = get_params_path(r_key_name, dataset_name) hyper_params_url = ('{b}/{d}/{d}_{r}_hyper_params.json' .format(b=DATA_URL, r=r_key_name, d=dataset_name)) hyper_params_filename = params_path + '_hyper_params.json' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(hyper_params_filename), exist_ok=True) with open(hyper_params_filename, 'wt') as file: r = requests.get(hyper_params_url) file.write(r.text) if include_learned and issubclass(r_type, LearnedReconstructor): learned_params_spec = CONFIGURATIONS[r_key_name]['learned_params_spec'] if 'ext' in learned_params_spec: ext = learned_params_spec['ext'] learned_params_url = ( '{b}/{d}/{d}_{r}{e}' .format(b=DATA_URL, r=r_key_name, d=dataset_name, e=ext)) learned_params_filename = params_path + ext download_file(learned_params_url, learned_params_filename, md5sum=False) elif 'dir' in learned_params_spec: raise NotImplementedError( 'automatic downloading of learned param directories is not ' 'implemented yet') else: raise ValueError('reference configuration \'{}\' misses ' 'specification how learned params are stored' .format(r_key_name))
[docs]def download_hyper_params(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name): """ Download hyper parameters for a configuration. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. """ download_params(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name, include_learned=False)
[docs]def check_for_params(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name, include_learned=True, return_missing=False): """ Return whether the parameter file(s) can be found. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. include_learned : bool, optional Whether to check for learned parameters, too. Default: `True`. return_missing : bool, optional Whether to return a list of missing files as second return value. Default: `False`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If trying to check for learned parameters that are stored in a directory (instead of as a single file). ValueError If trying to check for learned parameters for a configuration that does not specify how they are stored (as a single file or in a directory). Returns ------- params_exist : bool Whether the parameter file(s) can be found. missing : list of str, optional List of missing files. Only returned if `return_missing=True`. """ r_key_name, r_type = validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name) params_path = get_params_path(r_key_name, dataset_name) files = [params_path + '_hyper_params.json'] if include_learned and issubclass(r_type, LearnedReconstructor): learned_params_spec = CONFIGURATIONS[r_key_name]['learned_params_spec'] if 'ext' in learned_params_spec: ext = learned_params_spec['ext'] files.append(params_path + ext) elif 'dir' in learned_params_spec: raise NotImplementedError( 'checking for learned param directories is not implemented ' 'yet') else: raise ValueError('reference configuration \'{}\' misses ' 'specification how learned params are stored' .format(r_key_name)) missing = [f for f in files if not os.path.isfile(f)] params_exist = not missing return (params_exist, missing) if return_missing else params_exist
[docs]def check_for_hyper_params(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name): """ Return whether the hyper parameter file can be found. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. Returns ------- params_exist : bool Whether the hyper parameter file can be found. """ params_exist = check_for_hyper_params( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name, include_learned=False, return_missing=False) return params_exist
[docs]def get_reference_reconstructor(reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name, pretrained=True, **kwargs): """ Return a reference reconstructor. Parameters ---------- reconstructor_key_name_or_type : str or type Key name of configuration or reconstructor type. dataset_name : str Standard dataset name. pretrained : bool, optional Whether learned parameters should be loaded (if any). Default: `True`. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments (passed to :func:`construct_reconstructor`). For CT configurations this includes the ``'impl'`` used by :class:`odl.tomo.RayTransform`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If parameter files are missing and the user chooses not to download. Returns ------- reconstructor : :class:`Reconstructor` The reference reconstructor. """ r_key_name, r_type = validate_reconstructor_key_name_or_type( reconstructor_key_name_or_type, dataset_name) params_exist, missing = check_for_params(r_key_name, dataset_name, include_learned=pretrained, return_missing=True) if not params_exist: print("Reference configuration '{}' for dataset '{}' not found at the " "configured path '{}'. You can change this path with " "``dival.config.set_config('reference_params/datapath', ...)``." .format(r_key_name, dataset_name, DATA_PATH)) print('Missing files are: {}.'.format(missing)) print('Do you want to download it now? (y: download, n: cancel)') download = input_yes_no() if not download: raise RuntimeError('Reference configuration missing, cancelled') download_params(r_key_name, dataset_name) reconstructor = construct_reconstructor(r_key_name, dataset_name, **kwargs) params_path = get_params_path(r_key_name, dataset_name) reconstructor.load_hyper_params(params_path + '_hyper_params.json') if pretrained and issubclass(r_type, LearnedReconstructor): reconstructor.load_learned_params(params_path) return reconstructor