Source code for dival.reconstructors.odl_reconstructors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provides wrappers for reconstruction methods of odl."""
from odl import power_method_opnorm, ScalingOperator
from odl.tomo import fbp_op
from odl.discr.diff_ops import Gradient
from odl.operator.pspace_ops import BroadcastOperator
from odl.operator import Operator
from import ProductSpace
from odl.solvers import L1Norm, L2NormSquared, ZeroFunctional, SeparableSum,\
    forward_backward_pd, GroupL1Norm, MoreauEnvelope
from odl.solvers.smooth import newton
from odl.solvers.iterative import iterative, statistical
from odl.solvers.iterative.iterative import exp_zero_seq
from odl.solvers.nonsmooth import proximal_gradient_solvers,\
    primal_dual_hybrid_gradient, douglas_rachford, admm
from odl.solvers.functional.functional import Functional
from dival.reconstructors import Reconstructor, IterativeReconstructor

[docs]class FBPReconstructor(Reconstructor): HYPER_PARAMS = { 'filter_type': {'default': 'Ram-Lak', 'choices': ['Ram-Lak', 'Shepp-Logan', 'Cosine', 'Hamming', 'Hann']}, 'frequency_scaling': {'default': 1., 'range': [0, 1], 'grid_search_options': {'num_samples': 11}} } """Reconstructor applying filtered back-projection. Attributes ---------- fbp_op : `odl.operator.Operator` The operator applying filtered back-projection. It is computed in the constructor, and is recomputed for each reconstruction if ``recompute_fbp_op == True`` (since parameters could change). """
[docs] def __init__(self, ray_trafo, padding=True, hyper_params=None, pre_processor=None, post_processor=None, recompute_fbp_op=True, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ray_trafo : `odl.tomo.operators.RayTransform` The forward operator. See `odl.tomo.fbp_op` for details. padding : bool, optional Whether to use padding (the default is ``True``). See `odl.tomo.fbp_op` for details. pre_processor : callable, optional Callable that takes the observation and returns the sinogram that is passed to the filtered back-projection operator. post_processor : callable, optional Callable that takes the filtered back-projection and returns the final reconstruction. recompute_fbp_op : bool, optional Whether :attr:`fbp_op` should be recomputed on each call to :meth:`reconstruct`. Must be ``True`` (default) if changes to :attr:`ray_trafo`, :attr:`hyper_params` or :attr:`padding` are planned in order to use the updated values in :meth:`reconstruct`. If none of these attributes will change, you may specify ``recompute_fbp_op==False``, so :attr:`fbp_op` can be computed only once, improving reconstruction time efficiency. """ self.ray_trafo = ray_trafo self.padding = padding self.pre_processor = pre_processor self.post_processor = post_processor super().__init__( reco_space=ray_trafo.domain, observation_space=ray_trafo.range, hyper_params=hyper_params, **kwargs) self.fbp_op = fbp_op(self.ray_trafo, padding=self.padding, **self.hyper_params) self.recompute_fbp_op = recompute_fbp_op
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): if self.pre_processor is not None: observation = self.pre_processor(observation) if self.recompute_fbp_op: self.fbp_op = fbp_op(self.ray_trafo, padding=self.padding, **self.hyper_params) if out in self.reco_space: self.fbp_op(observation, out=out) else: # out is e.g. numpy array, cannot be passed to fbp_op out[:] = self.fbp_op(observation) if self.post_processor is not None: out[:] = self.post_processor(out)
[docs]class CGReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Iterative reconstructor applying the conjugate gradient method. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. op_is_symmetric : bool If ``False`` (default), the normal equations are solved. If ``True``, `op` is assumed to be self-adjoint and the system of equations is solved directly. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, callback=None, op_is_symmetric=False, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.iterative.iterative.conjugate_gradient_normal` (if ``op_is_symmetric == False``) or `odl.solvers.iterative.iterative.conjugate_gradient` (if ``op_is_symmetric == True``). Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. If ``op_is_symmetric == False`` (default), the call ``op.derivative(x).adjoint`` must be valid. If ``op_is_symmetric == True``, `op` must be linear and self-adjoint. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback`, optional Object that is called in each iteration. op_is_symmetric : bool, optional If ``False`` (default), the normal equations are solved. If ``True``, `op` is required to be self-adjoint and the system of equations is solved directly. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.op_is_symmetric = op_is_symmetric super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 if self.op_is_symmetric: iterative.conjugate_gradient(self.op, out_, observation, self.niter, self.callback) else: iterative.conjugate_gradient_normal(self.op, out_, observation, self.niter, self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class GaussNewtonReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Iterative reconstructor applying the Gauss-Newton method. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Maximum number of iterations. zero_seq_gen : generator Zero sequence generator used for regularization. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, zero_seq_gen=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.iterative.iterative.gauss_newton`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. The call ``op.derivative(x).adjoint`` must be valid. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Maximum number of iterations. zero_seq_gen : generator, optional Zero sequence generator used for regularization. Default: generator yielding 2^(-i). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback`, optional Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.zero_seq_gen = zero_seq_gen super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 zero_seq = (self.zero_seq_gen() if self.zero_seq_gen is not None else exp_zero_seq(2.0)) iterative.gauss_newton(self.op, out_, observation, self.niter, callback=self.callback, zero_seq=zero_seq) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class KaczmarzReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Iterative reconstructor applying Kaczmarz's method. Attributes ---------- ops : sequence of `odl.Operator` The forward operators of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. omega : positive float or sequence of positive floats Relaxation parameter. If a single float is given it is used for all operators. random : bool Whether the order of the operators is randomized in each iteration. projection : callable Callable that can be used to modify the iterates in each iteration. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. callback_loop : {'inner', 'outer'} Whether the `callback` should be called in the inner or outer loop. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ops, x0, niter, omega=1, random=False, projection=None, callback=None, callback_loop='outer', **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.iterative.iterative.kaczmarz`. Parameters ---------- ops : sequence of `odl.Operator` The forward operators of the inverse problem. The call ``ops[i].derivative(x).adjoint`` must be valid for all i. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. omega : positive float or sequence of positive floats, optional Relaxation parameter. If a single float is given it is used for all operators. random : bool, optional Whether the order of the operators is randomized in each iteration. projection : callable, optional Callable that can be used to modify the iterates in each iteration. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback`, optional Object that is called in each iteration. callback_loop : {'inner', 'outer'} Whether the `callback` should be called in the inner or outer loop. """ self.ops = ops self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter = omega self.projection = projection self.random = random self.callback_loop = callback_loop super().__init__( reco_space=self.ops[0].domain, observation_space=ProductSpace(*(op.range for op in self.ops)), callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 iterative.kaczmarz(self.ops, out_, observation, self.niter,, self.projection, self.random, self.callback, self.callback_loop) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class LandweberReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Iterative reconstructor applying Landweber's method. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. omega : positive float Relaxation parameter. projection : callable Callable that can be used to modify the iterates in each iteration. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, omega=None, projection=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.iterative.iterative.landweber`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. The call ``op.derivative(x).adjoint`` must be valid. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. omega : positive float, optional Relaxation parameter. projection : callable, optional Callable that can be used to modify the iterates in each iteration. One argument is passed and expected be modified in-place. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback`, optional Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter = omega self.projection = projection super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 iterative.landweber(self.op, out_, observation, self.niter,, self.projection, self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class MLEMReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Iterative reconstructor applying Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization. If multiple operators are given, Ordered Subsets MLEM is applied. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` or sequence of `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator(s) of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. noise : {'poisson'} or `None` Noise model determining the variant of MLEM. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. sensitivities : float or ``op.domain`` `element-like` Usable with ``noise='poisson'``. The algorithm contains an ``A^T 1`` term, if this parameter is given, it is replaced by it. Default: ``op[i].adjoint(op[i]`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, noise='poisson', callback=None, sensitivities=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.iterative.statistical.osmlem`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` or sequence of `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator(s) of the inverse problem. If an operator sequence is given, Ordered Subsets MLEM is applied. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. noise : {'poisson'}, optional Noise model determining the variant of MLEM. For ``'poisson'``, the initial value of ``x`` should be non-negative. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback`, optional Object that is called in each iteration. sensitivities : float or ``op.domain`` `element-like`, optional Usable with ``noise='poisson'``. The algorithm contains an ``A^T 1`` term, if this parameter is given, it is replaced by it. Default: ``op[i].adjoint(op[i]`` """ self.os_mode = not isinstance(op, Operator) self.op = op if self.os_mode else [op] self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.noise = noise self.sensitivities = sensitivities observation_space = (ProductSpace(*(op.range for op in self.op)) if self.os_mode else self.op[0].range) super().__init__( reco_space=self.op[0].domain, observation_space=observation_space, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) if not self.os_mode: observation = [observation] statistical.osmlem(self.op, out_, observation, self.niter, noise=self.noise, callback=self.callback, sensitivities=self.sensitivities) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class ISTAReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Iterative reconstructor applying proximal gradient algorithm for convex optimization, also known as Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA). Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. gamma : positive float Step size parameter. reg : `odl.solvers.functional.Functional` The regularization operator of the inverse problem. Needs to have ``f.proximal``. accelerated : boolean Indicates which algorithm to use. If `False`, then the "Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm" (ISTA) is used. If `True`, then the accelerated version FISTA is used. lam : float or callable Overrelaxation step size (default ``1.0``). If callable, it should take an index (starting at zero) and return the corresponding step size. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, gamma=0.001, reg=L1Norm, accelerated=True, lam=1., callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_gradient_solvers.proximal_gradient` or `odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_gradient_solvers\ .accelerated_proximal_gradient`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. gamma : positive float, optional Step size parameter (default ``0.001``). reg : [type of ] `odl.solvers.functional.Functional`, optional The regularization functional of the inverse problem. Needs to have ``f.proximal``. If a type is passed instead, the functional is constructed by calling ``reg(op.domain)``. Default: :class:`odl.solvers.L1Norm`. accelerated : boolean, optional Indicates which algorithm to use. If `False`, then the "Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm" (ISTA) is used. If `True`, then the accelerated version FISTA is used. Default: `True`. lam : float or callable, optional Overrelaxation step size (default ``1.0``). If callable, it should take an index (starting at zero) and return the corresponding step size. callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback`, optional Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.gamma = gamma if isinstance(reg, Functional): self.reg = reg elif issubclass(reg, Functional): self.reg = reg(self.op.domain) else: raise ValueError('`reg` must be an odl `Functional` object or an ' 'odl `Functional` type') self.accelerated = accelerated self.lam = lam self.callback = callback super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): # The proximal_gradient and accelerated_proximal_gradient methods # from ODL have as input the function, which needs to be minimized # (and not the forward operator itself). Therefore, we calculate the # discrepancy ||Ax-b||_2^2. Note that the terms `f` and `g` are # switched in odl compared to the usage in the FISTA paper # ( observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 l2_norm_sq_trans = L2NormSquared(self.op.range).translated(observation) discrepancy = l2_norm_sq_trans * self.op if not self.accelerated: proximal_gradient_solvers.proximal_gradient( out_, self.reg, discrepancy, self.gamma, self.niter, callback=self.callback, lam=self.lam) else: proximal_gradient_solvers.accelerated_proximal_gradient( out_, self.reg, discrepancy, self.gamma, self.niter, callback=self.callback, lam=self.lam) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class PDHGReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient (PDHG) algorithm from the 2011 paper with TV regularization. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization rate (default ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, lam=0.01, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.nonsmooth.primal_dual_hybrid_gradient.pdhg`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization rate (default ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.lam = lam self.callback = callback super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 gradient = Gradient(self.op.domain) L = BroadcastOperator(self.op, gradient) f = ZeroFunctional(self.op.domain) l2_norm = L2NormSquared(self.op.range).translated(observation) l1_norm = self.lam * L1Norm(gradient.range) g = SeparableSum(l2_norm, l1_norm) tau, sigma = primal_dual_hybrid_gradient.pdhg_stepsize(L) primal_dual_hybrid_gradient.pdhg(out_, f, g, L, self.niter, tau, sigma, callback=self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class DouglasRachfordReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """Douglas-Rachford primal-dual splitting algorithm from the 2012 paper with TV regularization. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization rate (default ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, lam=0.01, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.nonsmooth.douglas_rachford.douglas_rachford_pd`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization rate (default ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.lam = lam self.callback = callback super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 gradient = Gradient(self.op.domain) L = BroadcastOperator(self.op, gradient) f = ZeroFunctional(self.op.domain) l2_norm = L2NormSquared(self.op.range).translated(observation) l1_norm = self.lam * L1Norm(gradient.range) g = [l2_norm, l1_norm] tau, sigma = douglas_rachford.douglas_rachford_pd_stepsize(L) douglas_rachford.douglas_rachford_pd(out_, f, g, L, self.niter, tau, sigma, callback=self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class ForwardBackwardReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """ The forward-backward primal-dual splitting algorithm. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization rate (default ``0.01``). tau : positive float, optional Step-size like parameter for ``f`` (default is ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, lam=0.01, tau=0.01, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.forward_backward_pd`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization rate (default ``0.01``). tau : positive float, optional Step-size like parameter for ``f`` (default is ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.lam = lam self.tau = tau self.callback = callback super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 gradient = Gradient(self.op.domain) L = [self.op, gradient] f = ZeroFunctional(self.op.domain) l2_norm = 0.5 * L2NormSquared(self.op.range).translated(observation) l12_norm = self.lam * GroupL1Norm(gradient.range) g = [l2_norm, l12_norm] op_norm = power_method_opnorm(self.op, maxiter=20) gradient_norm = power_method_opnorm(gradient, maxiter=20) sigma_ray_trafo = 45.0 / op_norm ** 2 sigma_gradient = 45.0 / gradient_norm ** 2 sigma = [sigma_ray_trafo, sigma_gradient] h = ZeroFunctional(self.op.domain) forward_backward_pd(out_, f, g, L, h, self.tau, sigma, self.niter, callback=self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class ADMMReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """ Generic linearized ADMM method for convex problems. ADMM stands for 'Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers'. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization weight (default ``0.01``). tau : positive float, optional Step-size like parameter for ``f`` (default is ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, lam=0.01, tau=0.01, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.nonsmooth.admm.admm_linearized`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization weight (default ``0.01``). tau : positive float, optional Step-size like parameter for ``f`` (default is ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.lam = lam self.tau = tau self.callback = callback super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 gradient = Gradient(self.op.domain) L = BroadcastOperator(self.op, gradient) f = ZeroFunctional(self.op.domain) l2_norm = L2NormSquared(self.op.range).translated(observation) l1_norm = self.lam * L1Norm(gradient.range) g = SeparableSum(l2_norm, l1_norm) op_norm = 1.1 * power_method_opnorm(L, maxiter=20) sigma = self.tau * op_norm ** 2 admm.admm_linearized(out_, f, g, L, self.tau, sigma, self.niter, callback=self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out
[docs]class BFGSReconstructor(IterativeReconstructor): """ Quasi-Newton BFGS method to minimize a differentiable function. The TV regularization term is smoothed using the Moreau envelope. Attributes ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization weight (default ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, x0, niter, lam=0.01, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Calls `odl.solvers.smooth.newton.bfgs_method`. Parameters ---------- op : `odl.operator.Operator` The forward operator of the inverse problem. x0 : ``op.domain`` element Initial value. niter : int Number of iterations. lam : positive float, optional TV-regularization weight (default ``0.01``). callback : :class:`odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback` or `None` Object that is called in each iteration. """ self.op = op self.x0 = x0 self.niter = niter self.lam = lam self.callback = callback super().__init__( reco_space=self.op.domain, observation_space=self.op.range, callback=callback, **kwargs)
def _reconstruct(self, observation, out): observation = self.observation_space.element(observation) out_ = out if out not in self.reco_space: out_ = out_[:] = self.x0 l2_norm = L2NormSquared(self.op.range) discrepancy = l2_norm * (self.op - observation) gradient = Gradient(self.op.domain) l1_norm = GroupL1Norm(gradient.range) smoothed_l1 = MoreauEnvelope(l1_norm, sigma=0.03) regularizer = smoothed_l1 * gradient f = discrepancy + self.lam * regularizer opnorm = power_method_opnorm(self.op) hessinv_estimate = ScalingOperator(self.op.domain, 1 / opnorm ** 2) newton.bfgs_method(f, out_, maxiter=self.niter, hessinv_estimate=hessinv_estimate, callback=self.callback) if out not in self.reco_space: out[:] = out_ return out