Source code for dival.reconstructors.fbpunet_reconstructor

from warnings import warn
from copy import deepcopy

import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
from odl.tomo import fbp_op

from dival.reconstructors.standard_learned_reconstructor import (
from dival.reconstructors.networks.unet import UNet
from dival.datasets.fbp_dataset import FBPDataset

[docs]class FBPUNetReconstructor(StandardLearnedReconstructor): """ CT reconstructor applying filtered back-projection followed by a postprocessing U-Net (e.g. [1]_). References ---------- .. [1] K. H. Jin, M. T. McCann, E. Froustey, et al., 2017, "Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. `doi:10.1109/TIP.2017.2713099 <>`_ """ HYPER_PARAMS = deepcopy(StandardLearnedReconstructor.HYPER_PARAMS) HYPER_PARAMS.update({ 'scales': { 'default': 5, 'retrain': True }, 'skip_channels': { 'default': 4, 'retrain': True }, 'channels': { 'default': (32, 32, 64, 64, 128, 128), 'retrain': True }, 'filter_type': { 'default': 'Hann', 'retrain': True }, 'frequency_scaling': { 'default': 1.0, 'retrain': True }, 'use_sigmoid': { 'default': False, 'retrain': True }, 'init_bias_zero': { 'default': True, 'retrain': True }, 'lr': { 'default': 0.001, 'retrain': True }, 'scheduler': { 'default': 'cosine', 'choices': ['base', 'cosine'], # 'base': inherit 'retrain': True }, 'lr_min': { # only used if 'cosine' scheduler is selected 'default': 1e-4, 'retrain': True } })
[docs] def __init__(self, ray_trafo, allow_multiple_workers_without_random_access=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ray_trafo : :class:`odl.tomo.RayTransform` Ray transform (the forward operator). allow_multiple_workers_without_random_access : bool, optional Whether for datasets without support for random access a specification of ``num_data_loader_workers > 1`` is honored. If `False` (the default), the value is overridden by ``1`` for generator-only datasets. Further keyword arguments are passed to ``super().__init__()``. """ self.allow_multiple_workers_without_random_access = ( allow_multiple_workers_without_random_access) super().__init__(ray_trafo, **kwargs)
[docs] def train(self, dataset): try: fbp_dataset = dataset.fbp_dataset except AttributeError: warn('Training FBPUNetReconstructor with no cached FBP dataset. ' 'Will compute the FBPs on the fly. For faster training, ' 'consider precomputing the FBPs with ' '`generate_fbp_cache_files(...)` and passing them to ' '`train()` by setting the attribute ' '``dataset.fbp_dataset = get_cached_fbp_dataset(...)``.') fbp_dataset = FBPDataset( dataset, self.non_normed_op, filter_type=self.filter_type, frequency_scaling=self.frequency_scaling) if not fbp_dataset.supports_random_access(): if not self.allow_multiple_workers_without_random_access: if self.num_data_loader_workers > 1: warn('Overriding number of workers with 1 for a dataset ' 'not supporting random access. To force a higher ' 'number of workers, specify ' '`allow_multiple_workers_without_random_access=True` ' 'to `FBPUNetReconstructor.__init__()`.') self.num_data_loader_workers = min( self.num_data_loader_workers, 1) super().train(fbp_dataset)
[docs] def init_model(self): self.fbp_op = fbp_op(self.op, filter_type=self.filter_type, frequency_scaling=self.frequency_scaling) self.model = UNet(in_ch=1, out_ch=1, channels=self.channels[:self.scales], skip_channels=[self.skip_channels] * (self.scales), use_sigmoid=self.use_sigmoid) if self.init_bias_zero: def weights_init(m): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d): self.model.apply(weights_init) if self.use_cuda: self.model = nn.DataParallel(self.model).to(self.device)
[docs] def init_scheduler(self, dataset_train): if self.scheduler.lower() == 'cosine': # need to set private self._scheduler because self.scheduler # property accesses hyper parameter of same name, # i.e. self.hyper_params['scheduler'] self._scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR( self.optimizer, T_max=self.epochs, eta_min=self.lr_min) else: super().init_scheduler(dataset_train)
def _reconstruct(self, observation): self.model.eval() fbp = self.fbp_op(observation) fbp_tensor = torch.from_numpy( np.asarray(fbp)[None, None]).to(self.device) reco_tensor = self.model(fbp_tensor) reconstruction = reco_tensor.cpu().detach().numpy()[0, 0] return self.reco_space.element(reconstruction)