Source code for dival.datasets.cached_dataset

from itertools import islice
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.format import open_memmap
from tqdm import tqdm

from dival.datasets import Dataset

[docs]def generate_cache_files(dataset, cache_files, size=None, flush_interval=1000): """ Generate cache files for :class:`CachedDataset`. Parameters ---------- dataset : :class:`.Dataset` Dataset from which to cache samples. cache_files : dict of [tuple of ] (str or `None`) Filenames of the cache files for each part and for each component to be cached. The part (``'train'``, ...) is the key to the dict. For each part, a tuple of filenames should be provided, each of which can be `None`, meaning that this component should not be cached. If the dataset only provides one element per sample, the filename does not have to be packed inside a tuple. If a key is omitted, the part is not cached. As an example, for a CT dataset with cached FBPs instead of observations for parts ``'train'`` and ``'validation'``: .. code-block:: {'train': ('cache_train_fbp.npy', None), 'validation': ('cache_validation_fbp.npy', None)} size : dict of int, optional Numbers of samples to cache for each dataset part. If a field is omitted or has value `None`, all samples are cached. Default: ``{}``. flush_interval : int, optional Number of samples to retrieve before flushing to file (using memmap). This amount of samples should fit into the systems main memory (RAM). If ``-1``, each file content is only flushed once at the end. """ if size is None: size = {} for part in ['train', 'validation', 'test']: if part in cache_files: num_samples = min(dataset.get_len(part), size.get(part, np.inf)) files = cache_files[part] if (dataset.get_num_elements_per_sample() == 1 and not isinstance(files, tuple)): files = (files,) memmaps = [] for k in range(dataset.get_num_elements_per_sample()): space = ([k] if dataset.get_num_elements_per_sample() > 1 else memmaps.append((None if files[k] is None else open_memmap( files[k], mode='w+', dtype=space.dtype, shape=(num_samples,) + space.shape))) for i, sample in enumerate(tqdm(islice(dataset.generator(part), num_samples), desc=('generating cache for part ' '\'{}\''.format(part)), total=num_samples)): for s, m in zip(sample, memmaps): if m is not None: m[i] = s if (i + 1) % flush_interval == 0: for m in memmaps: if m is not None: m.flush() for m in memmaps: if m is not None: del m # flush completed file
[docs]class CachedDataset(Dataset): """Dataset that allows to replace elements of a dataset with cached data from .npy files. The arrays in the .npy files must have shape ``(self.get_len(part),) +[i].shape`` for the i-th component. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset, space, cache_files, size=None): """ Parameters ---------- dataset : :class:`.Dataset` Original dataset from which non-cached elements are used. Must support random access if any elements are not cached. space : [tuple of ] :class:``,\ optional The space(s) of the elements of samples as a tuple. This may be different from :attr:`space`, e.g. for precomputing domain-changing operations on the elements. cache_files : dict of [tuple of ] (str or `None`) Filenames of the cache files for each part and for each component. The part (``'train'``, ...) is the key to the dict. For each part, a tuple of filenames should be provided, each of which can be `None`, meaning that this component should be fetched from the original dataset. If the dataset only provides one element per sample, the filename does not have to be packed inside a tuple. If a key is omitted, the part is fetched from the original dataset. As an example, for a CT dataset with cached FBPs instead of observations for parts ``'train'`` and ``'validation'``: .. code-block:: {'train': ('cache_train_fbp.npy', None), 'validation': ('cache_validation_fbp.npy', None)} size : dict of int, optional Numbers of samples for each part. If a field is omitted or has value `None`, all available samples are used, which may be less than the number of samples in the original dataset if the cache contains fewer samples. Default: ``{}``. """ super().__init__(space=space) self.dataset = dataset self.cache_files = cache_files self.size = size if size is not None else {} self.num_elements_per_sample = ( self.dataset.get_num_elements_per_sample()) = {} cache_size = {} for part in ['train', 'validation', 'test']: if part in self.cache_files:[part] = [] cache_size[part] = self.dataset.get_len(part) files = self.cache_files[part] if (self.num_elements_per_sample == 1 and not isinstance(files, tuple)): files = (files,) for k in range(self.num_elements_per_sample): data = None if files[k]: try: data = np.load(files[k], mmap_mode='r') except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( "Did not find cache file '{}'".format( files[k]))[part].append(data) else:[part] = [None] * self.num_elements_per_sample cache_size = {} for part in ['train', 'validation', 'test']: cache_size[part] = self.dataset.get_len(part) for data in[part]: if data is not None: cache_size[part] = min(data.shape[0], cache_size[part]) self.train_len = self.size.get( 'train', cache_size['train']) self.validation_len = self.size.get( 'validation', cache_size['validation']) self.test_len = self.size.get( 'test', cache_size['test']) self.random_access = (self.dataset.supports_random_access() or all((all((d is not None for d in data)) for data in
[docs] def generator(self, part='train'): if self.num_elements_per_sample == 1: if[part][0] is None: yield from self.dataset.generator(part=part) else: for i in range(self.get_len(part)): yield[part][0][i])) elif all((d is not None for d in[part])): # caches only for i in range(self.get_len(part)): yield tuple((space.element(np.copy(cache[i])) for cache, space in zip([part], else: # some components from original dataset gen = self.dataset.generator(part=part) for i, from_dataset in zip(range(self.get_len(part)), gen): yield tuple(((from_d if cache is None else space.element(np.copy(cache[i]))) for from_d, cache, space in zip(from_dataset,[part],
[docs] def get_sample(self, index, part='train', out=None): if index >= self.get_len(part): raise IndexError( "index {:d} out of bounds for dataset part '{}' (len: {:d})" .format(index, part, self.get_len(part))) if self.num_elements_per_sample == 1: if[part][0] is None: sample = self.dataset.get_sample(index, part=part, out=out) elif out is None: sample =[part][0][index])) else: out[:] =[part][0][index] sample = out else: if out is None: out = (True,) * self.num_elements_per_sample out_dataset = tuple( (out_orig if cache is None else False for out_orig, cache in zip(out,[part]))) from_dataset = ( self.dataset.get_sample(index, part=part, out=out_dataset) if any(o_d is not False for o_d in out_dataset) else (None,) * self.num_elements_per_sample) # avoids # NotImplementedError if all values are cached sample = [] for from_d, cache, out_, space in zip( from_dataset,[part], out, if cache is None: sample.append(from_d) elif isinstance(out_, bool): sample.append(space.element(np.copy(cache[index])) if out_ else None) else: out_[:] = cache[index] sample.append(out_) sample = tuple(sample) return sample
[docs] def get_samples(self, key, part='train', out=None): len_part = self.get_len(part) if isinstance(key, range): if key[-1] >= len_part or key[0] >= len_part: raise IndexError( "key {} out of bounds for dataset part '{}' (len: {:d})" .format(key, part, len_part)) slice_ = slice(key.start, key.stop, key.step) if self.num_elements_per_sample == 1: if[part][0] is None: samples = self.dataset.get_samples(key, part=part, out=out) elif out is None: samples = np.copy([part][0][slice_]) else: out[:] =[part][0][slice_] samples = out else: if out is None: out = (True,) * self.num_elements_per_sample out_dataset = tuple( (out_orig if cache is None else False for out_orig, cache in zip(out,[part]))) from_dataset = ( self.dataset.get_samples(key, part=part, out=out_dataset) if any(o_d is not False for o_d in out_dataset) else (None,) * self.num_elements_per_sample) # avoids # NotImplementedError if all values are cached samples = [] for from_d, cache, out_ in zip(from_dataset,[part], out): if cache is None: samples.append(from_d) elif isinstance(out_, bool): samples.append(np.copy(cache[slice_]) if out_ else None) else: out_[:] = cache[slice_] samples.append(out_) samples = tuple(samples) return samples